BIO | heart+head+hands DIGITAL + PHOTO + PRINT + RESUME + BIO    [ H O M E ]

shoesI have been designing for the square since one of my teachers put a blank sheet of paper in front of me. A clean, white square. Did I color outside the lines? Yes, gleefully. Now with the computer—a square within a square—it seems to be the canvas that was made for me.

The square is clean and balanced on the surface. But what I am concerned with is what is on the inside. More pithy and disordered than its clean exterior would ever convey. Yeah, that's the good stuff. 



web design - all the live-long day.

photography - mainly black+whites. storytelling with images

peaceCRY - this is my print work. Mostly cards with kind words from songwriters, authors, and crusaders.

resume - I've kept it simple.

good web - Interactive purists.

words - from the likes of Nelson Mandela, Sartre, Rousseau, assorted Rock Stars, etc.

travel - keeping it digital.


may my mind stroll about hungry, fearless, thirsty, and supple - e e cummings  

amf [at]